The Emergency Food Assistance Program


The Emergency Food Assistance Program, or TEFAP, provides low-income Plymouth and Northville residents with supplemental items that are primarily canned and non-perishable.

All recipients must be pre-registered. This is a supplemental food program so it may be used in addition to other assistance programs. Bridge Card holders automatically qualify but still need to register. Recipients not currently on governmental assistance (food stamps, ADC, and general) need to provide documentation including proof of income, residence (Plymouth or Northville), and the number of household members before receiving food on distribution days.

If you live in the Canton or Westland area, you must go to your nearest TEFAP location.

Canton has one location, please call 734.394.5460 to pre-register. Canton TEFAP takes place on the third Wednesday of every month.

Westland has two different locations, please call 734.595.0366 to pre-register. Westland TEFAP takes place on the third Thursday of every month; OR you can call 734.729.1737 to pre-register, and TEFAP will take place on the second Monday of every month.


Plymouth Community United Way food distributions are held on the 3rd Thursday of every month from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at The City of Plymouth Cultural Center Ice Arena.

525 Farmer St, Plymouth, MI 48170

For information and to register, contact the Plymouth Community United Way office.

The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) in Michigan 2024 Income Eligibility Guidelines.  Updated May 1st, 2024.

                      Household Size Annual Income Monthly Income   Weekly Income
1 $30,120 $2,510 $579
2  $40,880 $3,407 $786
3 $51,640 $4,303 $993
4 $62,400  $5,200  $1,200
5  $73,160  $6,097  $1,407
6 $83,920 $6,994  $1,614
For each additional family member add: $10,760 $897 $207

*In accordance with Federal Law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call toll free (866) 632-9992 (Voice). Individuals who are hearing impaired or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339, or (800) 845-6136 (Spanish). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

2024 Distribution Dates

Thursday, February 15th

Thursday,  March 21st

Thursday, April 18th

Thursday, May 16th

Thursday, June 20th

Thursday, July 18th

Thursday,  August 15th

Thursday, September 19th

Thursday, October 17th

Thursday, November 21st

Thursday, December 19th

If you, your group, company or organization is interested in volunteering at TEFAP, please contact the Plymouth Community United Way. Volunteers are needed each month from 8:30 AM – 11:00 AM.

Phone: (734) 453-6879 | email: [email protected]